Saturday, June 11, 2011


  1. "I don't need a man to rectify my existence. The most profound relationship we'll ever have is the one with ourselves."
  2. "Don’t cry for a man who’s left you, the next one may fall for your smile."
  3. "It takes half the amount of time you dated someone to get over them."
  4. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
  5. "My knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil."
  6. "Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you're pretty sexy and you're taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with."
  7. "Girls are like cell phones, they like to be held and talked to, but press the wrong button and you're disconnected. Guys are like buses. If you miss that one, another will be along soon.

Friday, June 10, 2011


JUST wanna say :( i'm reALLy miSS punCAK alaM .

+ - x 
degree t i'll come back ! uitm p.alam wait 4 me k :) hope i can continue my study there..~ 
n hope all my dreams come true..aiShh!! aminn!!! 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

BENCI nyee KEtat KEtat ! grrrrrr

hye everyone :)
i think about a few month a go,  i'm never update my blog hahaa ececeh maw speaking plop !
now, dieba in the new world at PULAU PINANG! =)
actually, sedih sikit kowt happynyeee byak haha! aq terpkse b'hijrah dr uitm p.alam menuju >>>>>>> uitm bertam at penang niyh ,haiiyaa..mule2 ase cdey,then eppy,cdey...bored..huhu..nk taw knpe?? grrr sketnye aty lau nk cite plop (",) hmm
haha sowie guys i'm just pulling ur legs :) x de larh cdey sgt k


aq x puas aty je at u baru penang niyh mcm2 prob larh at cni! especiallly RULES at cni! perhh! mang aq bkn jenis nerd larh an nk ikot2 peraturan  y merepek meraban tuhh! haha! al kisah aq pum bermula?>>

1st day i'm coming here *** 
smile :) assalamualaikum..nk kne daftar kt ne ek?
pakguard :w'kumslm..niyh mane kad matrik kasot x sarong penoh??! 
dieba innocent :): maaf ,kad matrik tertggl larh hee t'tgl kat uma plop ..kat SELANGOR,
pakguard:eyh2 kamoo niyh jaohnyee ! nk bg spe paki kat uma tuh MAK kamoo k??!!!! da sem 3 pum xtaw peraturan!
(aishh pnsnyee aty,,da ler 1st time nk mara2 engat cek pljr lme k? bru pndh taw!)
 dieba innocent : nk cmne da t'lupe? hmm
pakguard: niyh amek surat saman niyh! t jmpe HEP ! 
dieba innocent :(adoii! masalah btoi ler ,kopak wet aq) grr!!!

mood: epi suda dpt blik haha tros jew nan membe2 p kuaq sebentar p care4 bli brg2 y kurang..lalallaalalaaa =)
 <<<<  OTW nk kuaQ  (AT LaM*n perda*a)
siswi..siswi!!!!!(t'dga sore2 sumbang memanggil adibah rafanah)
dieba n membe : aik,makcik 2 pgl cpe ek? kite k??jom ler p jew at dye..
makgaurd : ai kamo niyh siswi nk k mane??!! pgl x dga..(smbil menoleh ke arh dieba sorg je!)
dieba :ermmm ..nk p kuaq laa.
makguard: mak aih kamo nk kuaq mcm niyh? bju pendek suar ketat!? ape nk jd kamo niyh
dieba : ermmm..(terpinga2 pk ;ketat k pendek k? x mampu b'kte2 hahah!)
makguard: kamu sem bpe?
dieba : sem 3..
makguard: eyh kamu niyh! da sem 3 bla..blaa..blaaa..
dieba: <letih plop dga makcik tue niyh bebel2 bnde nonsense!>  mse niyh nk jew ckp aq student baru x taw pape..n peraturan at u lme aq bleyh jew pkaian cmni! hmm! xkn ler aq y kecik molek niyh heee bole pkai smpi ketat2 suar tuh laen ler lau body tuuuh mantap! aishh! makcik niyh bute kot!
dieba : erm sowiee lpas niyh sye x wat ag sy xkn paki g bju n suar niyh :(
makguard: lau sye soh kamo tkr bju n suar blek blik nk x?!!hmmmm!
dieba: :((( x nk ler jaoh larh plop bilinkyee..O.K3 sye xminx maaf niyh sye x buat ag dah ..hmm
makguard: hmm dah larh sne pegi!< mke mcm nk dpt penampo je PANGG**>GRRR

aishh! panas aty da ler SOUNd cek at dpn2 org ramai..ramai BOYS plop malu giler ler..pade2 ler nk sound ckp leklok ptotnyee..tego sal pakaian tuh x slh tp ptot tnye elok2 :) bru larh u RESPECT ME..I WILL RESPECT U BACK! IF laa cek pljr lame mang ptot larh kne marah ,ermm niyh bru bpe jam at u niyh da nk mrah2 pk cek pljr lme ~ cdey tuhhh >> =(

HAHA 2 ler story mory aq y menyakitkn aty mse 1st day at penang niy dgn peraturan y x de PERTIMBANGAN  langsung! x de wifi,mesin basoohh,blik panas bole jd AYAM PANGGANG tu?? haha..:) byk g senanyee but next time i cer cite O.K? HEE doakn cek dpt thn dok blajaq at u niyh.. =(